Translational Center for the Cure of Diabetes

Joslin Diabetes Center
Completed: 2013
Boston, MA

Joslin Diabetes Center’s Translational Center for the Cure of Diabetes is a Massachusetts Life Sciences grant award winner. The grant helped fund this two-floor, multi-phase renovation, which entailed the design of both clinical and research spaces. These spaces, including the newly renovated Clinical Research Center, provide state-of-the-art facilities to support advances in the cure for diabetes.

The Translational Center provides one integrated space to accommodate the entirety of the research process for Joslin Diabetes Center. Researchers formulate tests in the research spaces, perform them in the clinics downstairs, and examine the results—all in one, newly updated building. We used the same palette for both floors and phases of the renovation to integrate the spaces aesthetically as well as functionally.

Other spaces we designed for this renovation include office areas, treatment rooms, exam rooms, and a gym, which functions as a physical therapy and strength training room for patients, a testing room for athletic research, and a fitness area for staff.